Posted December 5, 2014 at 12:01pm by Andrea Stander

Attention Raw Milk Producers: Rural Vermont Releases 5th Annual Raw Milk Production Survey


Since 2009, when VT’s Raw Milk Law was originally passed, Rural Vermont has presented an annual report to the Legislature on how that law is working for farmers and customers. This survey is a crucial step in preparing that report. The data collected also helps Rural Vermont develop its strategy for our on-going campaign for fair treatment of raw milk producers and their customers. If you are a raw milk producer, your participation is crucial and it is important for you to know that the data collected from this survey is held in strict confidence and is diligently protected. No identifying information is shared with the Legislature or anyone else. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at 802-223-7222.

Complete the survey online here:

Download and print the PDF here:

NOTE: Completing this survey requires you to have some detailed information about your production process for raw milk available for reference. We recommend reading through the whole survey before you start filling it out. You can review all the questions here. Please print legibly – THANKS!