Posted June 3, 2015 at 11:15am by Faye Mack

Vermont Breakfast After the Bell Challenge


Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Nurses, Health Educators, Educators, Food Service

The first ever Vermont School Breakfast After the Bell Challenge is coming in January 2016! Stay tuned for details and the opportunity to register some friendly competition to find out which Vermont schools can dramatically increase breakfast participation. Co-sponsored by Hunger Free Vermont, the New England Dairy & Food Council, the Vermont Agency of Education, Voices for Vermont’s Children, Vermont-NEA, the School Nutrition Association of Vermont and Vermont FEED – receive resources, customized assistance, and recognition for the critical work you do to ensure that all students truly have access to the nutritious school breakfast they need to learn and stay healthy. Be on the lookout for all the details at the start of next school year, and click here to learn more about the powerful effect of school breakfast on student learning and well-being.

Contact: Anore Horton, (802) 865-0255 or