Food system economic output, employment, and establishments will increase.

Goal Description

Goal 1 seeks to increase food system economic output by $3 billion, add 5,000 net new food sector jobs and 350 net new food system establishments, and increase the number of farm and food businesses that are either employee or cooperatively owned

Goal Indicators

Objective 1: Food system economic output will increase by $3 billion by 2030
Source: U.S. Census, Economic Census, 2007, 2012, 2017 and USDA-NASS annual production statistics. Missing or suppressed data based on estimates by Kavet, Rockler and Associates, LLC using the Redyn Model of the Vermont Economy, County Business Patterns, and Vermont Department of Labor, "Labor Employment Information-Covered Employment" data. June, 2021.
Objective 2: There will be 5,000 net new food sector jobs by 2030
Objective 3: There will be 350 net new farm and food establishments in Vermont by 2030