Resources & Stories


Farm to Plate Annual Report 2023 Cover
The 2023 Farm to Plate Annual Report features highlights of key projects from 2023, including the New England Feeding New England Project, Food Security in Vermont: Roadmap to 2035, Using...
Food Security Objective C3
Improve local food access while working on full food security in Vermont True food security will mean that individuals do not have to rely on charity. In the interim, improvements...
Food Security Objective C2
Expand local collaboration for effective delivery of daily and emergency food security resources Vermont has the opportunity to design an excellent food security emergency response system using recent lessons learned...
Food Security Objective C1
Integrate food access into town plans across Vermont Food access and security are impacted not only by state and federal agricultural policies, but also by local decisions in municipal and...

Resource Collections

Farm to Plate Annual Report 2023 Cover
By statute, the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund is required to provide to the legislature annually a: "summary of work completed in the farm-to-plate investment program, including progress toward meeting the...
Food Security in Vermont: Road Map to 2023 - Cover Image - fields with trees
The Vermont Food Security Roadmap collection includes Vermont Food Security: Roadmap to 2035, Transportation Barriers to Food Access in Vermont: Impacted Populations Report, and Food Security Roadmap Citations. Click to...
Intervale Agroforestry3 - Michael Z. Weiss
A collection of resources tied to agroforestry in Vermont and beyond. Agroforestry is a rapidly growing climate mitigation strategy that brings together indigenous knowledge with modern day farmers looking for...
A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience - NEFNE Report
What will it really take to grow, raise, produce, harvest, and catch more regional food and move it through a complex supply chain to our homes and other places we...


ACORN STAFF AND volunteers dole out shares of produce at a July 11 distribution day for the Farmacy: Food is Medicine program. Through the program community members receive prescriptions from their health care provider or other referrals to receive free shares of locally grown fruits and vegetables. Independent photo/Marin Howell
Story and photo by Marin Howell, Addison County Independent ACORN's Farmacy: Food is Medicine program in Middlebury is making a real difference for 100 local families by providing weekly shares...
Roots Market Karin Bellemare unloads a truck.
The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) and Larklea are offering to Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) applicants and grantees various forms of support and technical services including RFSI application support...
Farm to Plate Annual Report Retail Supply Chain - Local Food 2023
Vermont’s locally owned and operated food businesses, from farms, to food processors, to distributors, to retailers, are the heart and soul of our rural economy. But, getting local food to...
Farm to Plate 2023 Annual Report Agroforestry Cover
Farm to Plate encourages Network members to develop new strategies that address urgent environmental issues through shared dialogue, co-learning and action. Goal category 2, “Environmental Sustainability”, provides the broader context...