The Production, Processing, & Market Development Exchange is intended to help to facilitate communication and exchange of information, amplify work happening in the state and region, and build connectivity, relationships, and coordination amongst members who share an interest and/or knowledge agricultural production, food processing, and food system market development.

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Resources Created by This Group

The report examines local food trends, provides tools and insights into how wholesale operates for producers and gives the broader food system community a greater understanding of how trends are impacting, supporting, and altering the viability, sustainability, and make-up of our local food system.
Excel grass-fed feeder budgeting tool to help your farm assess and plan for profitability.
Excel grass-fed cow-calf budgeting tool to help your farm assess and plan for profitability.
A guide for understanding the variables and practices that influence grass-fed beef production profitability, with example budget templates for calculating income, expenses, and profitability.
Gathering the Herd captures lessons learned over a three year period from by the Farm to Plate Meat Processing Task Force. The Meat Processing Task Force within Farm to Plate...
The challenges faced by the 15 producer/processor associations interviewed have occurred during a time of significant market growth and public interest in local food and Vermont products. This underlines the...
The first financing case study, Seeding the Future With Convertible Debt, focuses on High Mowing Organic Seeds--a producer of more than 600 varieties of vegetable, fruit, herb, and flower seed that employs more than 40 people in Wolcott--and convertible debt.
The second financing case study, Complex Dough, focuses on the land deal that enabled Bread & Butter Farm to purchase a conserved farm in Chittenden County.
The Dairy Professional Development Task Force conducted surveys to determine tecnical assistance resource needs and best methods for communicating these resources among dairy farmers across the sate. Surveys were completed...