Posted January 8, 2018 at 04:50am by Faith Raymond

Up to $60,000 Available Through the Local Food Market Development Grant Program

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture is pleased to announce the availability of up to 60k of funding for Local Food Market Development Grants to assist eligible Vermont farmers, businesses, and value-chain facilitators to grow new and existing markets. To qualify for funding consideration, applicants must be a Vermont producer, agricultural producer group, value-chain facilitator, or non-profit that will directly support Vermont producers’ access to institutional and other in-state wholesale market expansion. Grants will be distributed, through a competitive application review process, for projects that are addressing market access in Vermont institutions, defined as colleges and universities, early childcare and pre-k-12 schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and correctional facilities, and wholesale market access, including restaurants, grocery stores, independent retail, and food co-ops.

This year’s grants will be available to projects that have goals to improve quality, efficiency, or food safety; address distribution challenges; and/or mitigate the financial risks associated with scaling up to meet new market demands. Grants ranging from 3k – 10k will be targeted towards:

  1. Infrastructure Development: on-farm capital improvements, equipment purchases
  2. Technology: accounting, tracking, and/or sales software, website, or app development
  3. Market Access and Development: innovative solutions to logistics and distribution challenges

The deadline for the FY2018 Local Food Market Development Grants is January 24th 2018 and all applicants must demonstrate 25% of total project cost in matching funds.

For more information on the LFMD grant program, and to apply, please visit: