Dirt Capital Partners


PO Box 457
Hudson, NY 12534
United States

Dirt Capital Partners invests in farmland in partnership with farmers throughout the Northeast United States, promoting farmers’ land access and security. Leases between farmers and Dirt Capital provide farmers with land security, autonomy and an option to purchase. Each agreement is tailored to the specific farm operation and parcel of land.

Most of our land investment partnerships result from a farmer contacting Dirt Capital with one of the following scenarios: relocate an existing farm to a larger property, or to a farm with more secure land tenure; expand a successful operation by acquiring nearby land; transfer a farm to non-family or family successors; conserve when land trusts look to partner with a like-minded organization; or keep already conserved land in active agricultural production; transform a farm with infrastructure updates for the next generation’s efficiency; reorganize, or refinance a farm in the event of a change in the partnership or business.

978.290.2220 (cell)