Vermont Agriculture and Food System Plan 2020

In response to the ongoing dairy crisis and other significant changes happening within Vermont’s agricultural and food sector, and a desire to stimulate more rural economic development as well as regional market access for Vermont products, the Legislature passed and Governor Scott signed Act 83 (S.160), an act relating to agricultural development, in May 2019. Section 1 of this Act calls for the development of a report with recommendations to stabilize and revitalize Vermont’s agricultural industry. This report was delivered to the Vermont Legislature in January, 2020. As part of a planned update to the 2011 Farm to Plate Strategic Plan, a second set of 31 product, market and issue briefs, along with a vision for Vermont's food system, a new set of goals, objectives and indicators of progress will be published in February 2021. Titled the Vermont Farm to Plate Strategic Plan 2021-2030, it will serve as our guiding implementation document over the next 10 years.