Our Mission

Farm to Plate is Vermont's food system plan being implemented statewide to increase economic development and jobs in the farm and food sector, improve soils, water, and resiliency of the working landscape in the face of climate change, and improve access to healthy local foods for all Vermonters.

See What Farm to Plate Network Members Are Up To
https://ecogather.ing/event/ecogathering-story/ How can we hold the unquantifiable more-ness of mystery and spirit? How do we begin to describe and share and live these suspicions, feelings, and knowings? Probably the way...
Vermont needs our local farms to stay resilient, especially in uncertain times. Farmers and Vermonters who depend on them have been stepping up to make sure that our farms are...
https://ecogather.ing/event/ecogathering-the-sacred/ Right before much of the world enters the dominant-cultural hegemony Christian holiday of empire-sanctioned celebration, worship, and consumption, we’ll explore the original roots of what this holiday and many...
Food System Jobs

Check out the latest food system and agriculture job openings from our Farm to Plate network members

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High Tunnel/Greenhouse Construction
Vine Ripe Greenhouse Construction
Programs + Outreach Coordinator
Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN)
Sales, Fulfillment, and Inventory Manager
Maple Wind Farm