Created by the Farm to Plate CSA and Healthcare Community of Practice (COP), this document is a tool for those looking to establish or better understand the role of healthcare...
Our Shared Goal: In 2035, all Vermonters will be food secure. The Vermont Food Security Roadmap to 2035 guides our way to that future. Vermont has the tools, knowledge, and...
Please join us in welcoming Farm to Plate’s new Steering Committee! The Steering Committee serves as a governing and advisory body for the Farm to Plate Network. They also play...
A heartfelt hello to the Farm to Plate Network, These past couple of days have been incredibly difficult for many in our small, but vibrant state. We first want to...
By Sydney Blume Photos by Michael Z. Weiss Each month, Farm to Plate will be featuring stories of Vermont farmers using agroforestry related practices. These stories and related mapping project...
By Sydney Blume Each month, Farm to Plate will be featuring stories of Vermont farmers using agroforestry related practices. These stories and related mapping project were created by recent UVM...
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